So I was wondering around on the Internet the other day and I found this site,, that has tons of fonts that you see in and around Disneyland as well as Disney World Resorts. I have been trying to figure out how to load them onto my computer. I've figured out how to temporally make them appear on my word documents and wanted to try and test the theory online. So my mission here is to put something here, and see if I can get it to publish and STILL look like Mickey Mouse. OH, by the way, the font is called mickey mousebats! It's super cute! Here goes nothing, of course I need everyones help to tell me if they can see Mickey Mouse or if they just see colorful capital letters! I NEED YOUR HELP PEOPLE!! :-)
B this is my favorite one!
P but i've always been a fan of the classics too!
So let me know what it is you see and I'll see if I can make it publish correctly! Thanks for playing my "fun with the Mouse" game today! :-)